
Introducing Sustainia’s Litepaper: The Future of Sustainability

Sustainia is your portal to Industry 5.0, providing you with state-of-the-art technologies, like blockchain, Internet of Things, AI and metaverse-based tools and Services, as well as linking you to a network of technology experts to deliver the best possible services in the shortest amount of time, all while maintaining the green and sustainable infrastructures for future generations


As we enter a new era of technological advancement and innovations that Industry 5.0 has brought us, the demand for smart and sustainable products and solutions has never been greater. Sustainia is dedicated to introducing and selling these products and solutions, focusing on electrification, automation, and digitalization across various industries including home, building, city, vehicle, agriculture, and industry to level them up to their smart sustainable version. Sustainia’s centralized and decentralized marketplaces, community-driven blog for smart solutions, and expert network provide a comprehensive ecosystem for individuals and businesses to access and engage with its offerings.


Sustainia is committed to leveraging the latest technologies and best practices to drive creativity, innovation, and sustainability in all aspects of its domain. Its approach is centered around human-machine collaboration, where it aims to harness the strengths of both humans and machines to deliver products and solutions that are not only functional but also intuitive and user-friendly. In addition, Sustainia’s digitalization efforts provide personalized experiences to its users and continuously improve its offerings based on their feedback.

To achieve this, Sustainia is utilizing a range of cutting-edge technologies, including blockchain, AI-based services, and solutions, metaverse rooms for expert meetings, digital twins, and various types of NFTs.

By leveraging blockchain technology, we can create a decentralized e-commerce platform that enables secure and transparent transactions while empowering our users to take control of their data.

We are also leveraging AI-based services to enhance the performance and efficiency of smart solutions for micro and small-size applications. For instance, AI-based chatbots will be used to enhance the user experience by providing personalized support and recommendations. Also, AI can help us analyze real-time data from various sensors and sources such as surveillance cameras, weather stations, drones, satellites, and so on to optimize related processes and reduce costs.

Our metaverse rooms for expert meetings enable us to connect individuals and businesses with industry experts from around the world, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

Through digital twins, we can virtual representations of physical objects or systems that allow us for real-time monitoring, analysis, and optimization.

Finally, our use of NFTs enables us to create unique and valuable digital assets that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as proof of ownership, authentication, and access control. It can also be used for different services like physical products, software services, different data, finance, and so on.

By leveraging these technologies, Sustainia can deliver a truly innovative and sustainable ecosystem of products and solutions that are centered around the needs and preferences of our users. Our commitment to human-machine collaboration, as well as our use of advanced technologies, is a testament to our vision of a smarter and more sustainable future. Above all, Sustainia is founded on the principle of user-centricity. We prioritize the needs and preferences of our users and strive to introduce products and solutions that meet their specific requirements. By doing so, we aim to build long-term relationships with our users and establish ourselves as a trusted partner in their journey towards a smarter and more sustainable future.

Sustainia’s mission is to create a sustainable future by providing innovative smart green products and solutions to customers. Sustainia aims to simplify the process of finding and purchasing eco-friendly and energy-efficient products and solutions and to promote the adoption of sustainable practices in all areas of life, from homes and buildings to cities and industries.

Sustainia is committed to using cutting-edge technologies, such as AI-based Services, blockchain, digital twins, and NFTs, to create a more user-friendly, decentralized, and sustainable marketplace for smart green products and solutions. By providing a comprehensive range of products and solutions, as well as expert advice and support, Sustainia is helping to drive the transition to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

Overall, Sustainia’s mission is to empower individuals and organizations to make a positive impact on the environment and to create a better future for generations to come.

Sustainia’s mission is to create a sustainable future by providing innovative smart green products and solutions to customers. Sustainia aims to simplify the process of finding and purchasing eco-friendly and energy-efficient products and solutions and to promote the adoption of sustainable practices in all areas of life, from homes and buildings to cities and industries.
Sustainia is committed to using cutting-edge technologies, such as AI-based Services, blockchain, digital twins, and NFTs, to create a more user-friendly, decentralized, and sustainable marketplace for smart green products and solutions. By providing a comprehensive range of products and solutions, as well as expert advice and support, Sustainia is helping to drive the transition to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.
Overall, Sustainia’s mission is to empower individuals and organizations to make a positive impact on the environment and to create a better future for generations to come.

Sustainia’s vision is to become a leading global platform for smart green products and solutions, and to create a more sustainable and energy-efficient world.

Sustainia envisions a future where individuals and organizations have easy access to innovative, eco-friendly, and energy-efficient products and solutions that promote sustainable living and help reduce the carbon footprint. Sustainia aims to create a world where every home, building, city, and industry is designed and operated with sustainability in mind, and where individuals and organizations are empowered to make positive environmental choices.

Sustainia’s vision also includes the use of cutting-edge technologies to create a more user-friendly, decentralized, and sustainable marketplace for smart green products and solutions. By leveraging technologies such as blockchain, AI-based chatbots, digital twins, and NFTs, Sustainia aims to revolutionize the way people buy and sell eco-friendly and energy-efficient products and solutions.

Overall, Sustainia’s vision is to play a key role in the transition to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future, and to inspire individuals and organizations to make a positive impact on the environment

Sustainia’s innovative ecosystem of products and solutions is designed to provide value to individuals and businesses alike while driving a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole. By tackling critical problems related to sustainability, user-centricity, and access to resources, Sustainia is paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.

Sustainia’s focus on user-centricity and digitalization makes it an ideal partner for customers who are looking for a more streamlined and engaging shopping experience. By providing a centralized and decentralized marketplace of smart green products and solutions, as well as a range of innovative tools and technologies, Sustainia is helping to create a more efficient and user-friendly marketplace for customers in the smart green space.


Environmental Sustainability

One of the biggest problems facing the world today is environmental sustainability, with concerns over climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. Sustainia is tackling this problem by offering smart green products and solutions that focus on electrification, automation, and digitalization. By promoting sustainable living in various domains, such as home, building, city, vehicle, agriculture, and industry, Sustainia is helping to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.


Sustainability in Micro and Small-Scale Projects

Sustainia solves sustainability in micro and small-scale projects by providing a range of smart green products and solutions that are tailored to the needs of small businesses and individuals. This includes solutions for smart green homes, buildings, cities, vehicles, agriculture, and industry, which are designed to help reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

In addition, Sustainia’s decentralized marketplaces and user-driven blog of smart solutions provide a platform for small businesses and individuals to showcase their sustainability efforts and connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. This helps to promote a sense of community and collaboration, which can be particularly important for small-scale projects that may lack the resources or expertise to tackle sustainability issues on their own.

Sustainia, also leverages advanced technologies, such as blockchain, AI-based services, and digital twins, to enhance the user experience and promote sustainability in small-scale projects. For example, by using blockchain technology, Sustainia can provide secure and transparent transactions that reduce the risk of fraud and ensure that resources are used efficiently. Similarly, by using digital twins, small businesses and individuals can test and optimize their sustainability efforts in a virtual environment, reducing the need for costly and time-consuming physical experiments.

However, Sustainia’s focus on sustainability, user-centricity, and access to resources makes it an ideal partner for micro and small-scale projects that are looking to make a positive impact on the environment and society. By providing tailored solutions and promoting collaboration and innovation, Sustainia is helping to pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.


Centralized Marketplaces

Another problem that Sustainia is addressing is the issue of centralized marketplaces that often prioritize profits over user needs. By offering both centralized and decentralized marketplaces, Sustainia is empowering users to take control of their data and transactions, while promoting transparency and security. This helps to address the problem of limited access to information and choice, which can hinder user decision-making and lead to suboptimal outcomes.


Inefficient and Unbalanced Supply & Demand

Sustainia addresses the problem of inefficient and unbalanced supply and demand by providing a centralized and decentralized marketplace for smart green products and solutions. This marketplace enables suppliers and consumers to connect directly with one another, eliminating intermediaries and reducing the cost of transactions.

By providing a wide range of smart green products and solutions, Sustainia helps to address the problem of unbalanced supply and demand. For example, if there is a shortage of renewable energy solutions in a particular area, Sustainia can connect local suppliers with consumers who are looking for these products. Similarly, if there is an oversupply of certain products, Sustainia can help to identify new markets and connect suppliers with consumers who may be interested in these products.

Sustainia also leverages advanced technologies, such as AI-based chatbots, to help match supply and demand more efficiently. These chatbots can analyze consumer preferences and behavior to help suppliers identify new opportunities and optimize their offerings.

By providing a platform for direct connections between suppliers and consumers, Sustainia is helping to create a more efficient and balanced marketplace for smart green products and solutions.


Limited Access to Resources and Expertise

In many domains, access to resources and expertise can be limited, which can hinder innovation and progress. Leveraging advanced technologies, such as AI-based services and metaverse rooms and by providing personalized support, access to industry experts, and the ability to test and optimize products in a virtual environment, Sustainia is helping to level the playing field and promote innovation and progress.


Vast Diversity of Products

Sustainia’s centralized and decentralized marketplaces of smart green products and solutions can help to address the problem of vast diversity of products. By providing a comprehensive range of smart green products and solutions in one place, Sustainia can simplify the process of finding and purchasing the right products for customers. Additionally, Sustainia’s user-driven blog of smart solutions can help customers to better understand the various options available to them, and make informed decisions about which products and solutions are best suited to their needs.

Furthermore, Sustainia’s use of digital twins and different types of NFTs can provide customers with a more immersive and engaging shopping experience. Digital twins enable customers to visualize and interact with products in a virtual space, while NFTs can provide unique and verifiable ownership of physical products, making it easier to buy and sell smart green products on the secondary market.

The Sustainia platform includes advanced features such as digital twin technology, project simulation, tile maintenance and support, virtual training, NFTs, and so on to help users and experts create and implement sustainable solutions.


Digital twin technology will be used to model and simulate the behavior of smart products in various scenarios and environments, enabling users to optimize their performance and energy efficiency.

Project Simulation that creates virtual models of sustainable solutions such as smart green homes, buildings, and so on. It allows experts and users to simulate different scenarios for their projects and analyze the results in real-time results saving time and resources.

Virtual training is another key feature of the Sustainia platform. Experts can provide virtual training to users on how to use and maintain their devices and systems. This feature can be used to ensure that users have the necessary knowledge and skills to operate their devices and systems safely and effectively.

Tele maintenance and support that creates digital replicas of smart products, experts and support teams can remotely diagnose issues and provide guidance to users on how to resolve them. This can significantly reduce the need for on-site maintenance visits and improve the efficiency of support services.

Sustainia platform utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the performance and efficiency of smart solutions for micro and small size applications. AI algorithms are integrated into the platform to provide advanced analytics, machine learning, and data processing capabilities. These capabilities enable the platform to analyze large amounts of data from various sources, such as IoT devices, to optimize the performance of smart solutions and improve the overall sustainability of micro and small size applications.

Data sharing feature allows the platform to create value beyond its offerings, by empowering its community to find new sustainable solutions and to improve the performance of existing ones. Through this process, the platform can create efficient and decentralized datasets that can be used to optimize the performance of smart solutions for micro and small-size applications. Additionally, the platform’s AI algorithms can help to analyze this data and provide insights that can be used to improve the overall sustainability of micro and small-size projects.

Data sharing feature allows the platform to create value beyond its offerings, by empowering its community to find new sustainable solutions and to improve the performance of existing ones. Through this process, the platform can create efficient and decentralized datasets that can be used to optimize the performance of smart solutions for micro and small-size applications. Additionally, the platform’s AI algorithms can help to analyze this data and provide insights that can be used to improve the overall sustainability of micro and small-size projects.

NFTs are used on the Sustainia platform to represent and monetize digital assets, such as digital twins, smart solutions, services, and virtual training. These NFTs can be used to represent ownership, authenticity, and provenance of digital assets, and can be traded on the Centeria NFT marketplace. This feature creates a new way of value creation and monetization for experts and users.

Sustainia & FIWARE

FIWARE is an open-source platform that provides a set of APIs and functional components to enable the creation of smart applications and services.

Sustainia’s membership in the FIWARE community is a strategic move that enables the platform to provide users with the most advanced and innovative smart solutions and services.

The platform’s integration with FIWARE allows it to provide users with a high level of security, scalability, and privacy, and to stay up-to-date with the latest developments, trends, and innovative solutions and services in smart cities and Industry 4.0.

Additionally, Sustainia’s membership in the FIWARE community also allows it to tap into a vast network of experts and professionals and access a wide range of resources and tools that are specifically designed for smart cities and Industry 4.0.

It should be noted that Sustainia will utilize FIWARE applications in decentralized practices.


Embodia for Sustainia

Embodia is a virtual and augmented reality platform that is integrated into the Sustainia ecosystem. This platform allows experts and users to connect and collaborate in the metaverse through virtual seminars, working spaces, and meetings. This feature adds a new dimension to the platform, allowing for a more immersive and interactive experience for all parties involved.

The virtual environment provided by Embodia allows experts to conduct virtual sales and presentation meetings, which can be helpful for experts to showcase their products and services to potential customers. This allows experts to reach a wider audience and to make more sales, without the need for physical meetings. The virtual environment also allows for the creation of virtual showrooms, where customers can explore and interact with products, providing a more engaging and interactive experience.

With Embodia, experts can provide virtual training and support for the implementation of smart solutions, including digital twin simulation, tele-maintenance, and remote support. This allows experts to remotely assist users in the implementation of smart solutions, even in remote and hard-to-reach locations.

Through tele-maintenance, experts can remotely access and troubleshoot systems and devices, reducing the need for on-site visits, and providing a more efficient and cost-effective solution for maintaining smart solutions. Remote support allows experts to assist users in real time, no matter their location, making it easier for users to get the help they need when they need it.

Embodia also allows experts to mint their solutions, services, or other value as NFTs, which can be sold on the Centeria NFT marketplace as a service. This feature allows experts to monetize their expertise and solutions and also allows users to purchase access to these services securely and transparently.


Centeria for Sustainia

In conjunction with Centeria’s decentralized marketplace, Sustainia can securely and transparently facilitate the exchange and trading of sustainable products and services, allowing for a wide range of users to access and benefit from these solutions. Centeria’s support for a variety of payment methods, including cryptocurrency and traditional payment systems, further facilitates these transactions and makes them accessible to a wide range of users. Additionally, Sustainia can use NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to provide proof of authenticity and ownership for the products and services being traded, ensuring the security and transparency of the transactions on the marketplace.

One of the key features of Sustainia is its focus on sustainable IoT (Internet of Things) devices, which can be addressed with NFTs (non-fungible tokens) using PUF (Physically Unclonable Function) or QR codes Centeria. This ensures the uniqueness and security of the physical IoT devices and allows for the verification of the authenticity of the device and the data it produces. This allows for the easy and secure exchange and trading of IoT devices within the ecosystem, providing users with a new way to monetize their devices and for others to access and benefit from their technology. This allows users to monetize their data by selling access to parts of the dataset to researchers or other interested parties. This feature of Centeria’s platform makes it easy for users to access and benefit from their data and for others to access valuable data for research and development.

Sustainia community experts can also create and develop a range of solutions, services, training courses, designs, and software algorithms, which can be addressed with NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and made available on Centeria’s decentralized marketplace. This allows experts to monetize their creations and innovations by selling the NFTs or by granting limited access to their services. This feature of Centeria’s platform makes it easy for users to access and benefit from the knowledge and expertise of the Sustainia community experts and for experts to monetize their solutions and services. Additionally, community experts can also create and develop an e-shop for their devices and services, which can be addressed with a collection of NFTs and made available on Centeria’s decentralized marketplace.

The business model for Sustainia is centered around providing a comprehensive and efficient platform for sustainable solutions, products, and services. The platform generates revenue through a combination of transaction fees, commission on sales, and subscription fees for premium services.

Transaction fees are applied to all transactions made on the platform, whether it’s the purchase of a product or service or the payment for an expert’s skills and services. These fees help to cover the costs of maintaining and operating the platform.

Commission on sales is earned by the platform when a product or service is sold through the marketplace. This commission is a percentage of the total sale and helps to cover the costs of marketing and promoting the platform.

Subscription fees are charged for access to premium services, such as advanced analytics and customized solutions. These fees are charged regularly, and help to cover the costs of providing these services.

In addition to these revenue streams, the platform also generates value for its community members by allowing them to share data and insights, creating a collective intelligence that can be used to improve the performance of smart products and solutions and to develop new sustainable solutions. This data-sharing feature allows the platform to create value beyond its offerings, by empowering its community to find new sustainable solutions and to improve the performance of existing ones. This feature is a powerful tool that helps the platform to stay at the forefront of sustainable technology and to meet the diverse needs of its users.

Sustainia offers various incentives for active community members and token holders. Voting rights, discounts on green products and services, rewards for contributing to the platform, and staking rewards are some examples. The platform empowers communities, companies, and individuals to easily adopt sustainable solutions, and its integration with the Allostasis DAO and Centeria NFT marketplace further solidifies its position as a leader in the smart city and smart industry ecosystem.


Allostasis Ecosystem in Summary

The Allostasis ecosystem includes a portfolio of 7 innovative startups that have been developing since mid-2019. By the end of 2022, each of these startups has developed a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and they work together as an interconnected ecosystem. At the core of this ecosystem is Allostasis, a blockchain-based decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) foundation that is dedicated to promoting health and sustainability. The foundation rewards tokens, called Stasis, to the other 6 startups as an incentive for their participation in the ecosystem and alignment with its goals.

The first startup in the portfolio, Centeria Marketplace, is focused on revolutionizing the way we think about digital ownership and financial transactions. By leveraging Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) technologies, Centeria aims to create a platform that allows for secure and transparent digital and physical asset ownership and financial transactions. The marketplace also provides access to services provided by startups or community members, enabling them to monetize their digital and physical assets and services, and creating a vibrant and decentralized economy.

The second startup, Embodia, is a decentralized open-source and open-development metaverse platform. Embodia offers secure, end-to-end encrypted, and decentralized peer-to-peer collaboration. It is built using the open-source game engine and collaboration server technology, and it offers metaverse experience services to other members of the Allostasis ecosystem as well users can also add servers to the network freely by themselves. It has ready products for various use cases such as self-meetings, group meetings, doctor’s rooms, psychotherapy rooms, and seminar rooms. It also allows game developers, researchers, and asset and avatar designers to create and monetize their own metaverse experiences to expand the community.

The third startup, Avatia, is a cutting-edge platform for precision medicine that utilizes a human personal avatar as her digital twin. The platform allows users to collect and store their wearables and clinical data in a secure and standardized format, giving them control and ownership over their health data. This data is used to update the user’s digital twin and avatar, allowing for a more accurate and personalized digital representation of the user. The realistic avatars created on Avatia can also be utilized on the metaverse platform, this can lead to more precise and effective treatments and care and also allows for more efficient and personalized research in the field of precision medicine.

The fourth startup, Incarnia, is a state-of-the-art platform for personal biofeedback, emotion recognition, and cognitive recognition. The platform is designed to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of their own physical and emotional states. Users can access the self-meeting room from Embodia and utilize the services of OpenAI or other providers for biofeedback and self-recognition. Furthermore, the platform can be integrated with wearables and other devices to provide real-time biofeedback, allowing users to make adjustments in real time to improve their physical and emotional well-being. The platform also provides opportunities for self-reflection and personal development, and it can be used for various purposes such as therapy, meditation, and stress management.

The fifth startup, Wearia, is a revolutionary open-source and open-development wearable platform. It offers a wide range of modular full-body wearables that are designed to be flexible and customizable to meet the individual needs of users. These wearables include advanced bio-sensing technology that can measure various physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. In addition, Wearia’s wearables feature haptic feedback technology that can simulate touch and temperature, as well as stimulation technology that can provide targeted stimulation to different areas of the body. The platform also includes body tracking technology that can track the user’s movements and posture, providing valuable insights into their physical activity. Wearia’s platform is also designed to provide users with a more immersive and interactive experience in Embodia and Incarnia and to give them more control over their physical and emotional well-being. The platform also provides opportunities for developers, researchers, and manufacturers to create new wearable solutions that can be used in different fields such as health, sports, entertainment, and education. By leveraging the open-source and open-development nature of the platform, Wearia aims to create a vibrant and decentralized economy where new and innovative solutions can flourish.

The sixth startup, Sustainia, is a platform that is dedicated to promoting sustainable solutions for IoT, automation, electrification, and digitalization products. It also includes an industry 4.0 and energy efficiency experts’ network, which provides users with access to a wealth of resources and expertise in these areas. Additionally, Sustainia features a smart and green solution blog platform, which serves as a hub for knowledge and community engagement, providing users with the latest information and insights on sustainable solutions. One of the most significant benefits of Sustainia is that it creates a green community within the Allostasis ecosystem. Users and members can meet and collaborate, share knowledge and ideas, and make training courses by Embodia. This allows for a more collaborative and decentralized approach to promoting sustainability, and it also helps to create a more engaged and informed community of users.

This portfolio of startups represents a unique combination of cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to make a significant impact in the areas of open science, precision medicine, sustainability, and data democracy. The ecosystem is dedicated to open science and has a strong focus on health and precision medicine. By converging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), metaverse (VR/AR/MR), and blockchain (web3), and also these startups are also focused on sustainability, particularly in the areas of smart cities and industry 4.0.

In addition to the current portfolio of startups, Allostasis founders also believe in fostering an open and inclusive ecosystem where other startups and individuals can contribute and promote the goals of Allostasis. By building a community-driven ecosystem, we aim to create a platform where new and innovative ideas can flourish and be supported by the community. Allostasis plans to achieve this by implementing a voting system where the community can vote on new startups that align with the goals of Allostasis. This will allow for a more democratic and decentralized approach to building the ecosystem. Startups

that are voted in by the community will be able to access the resources, support, and network of the existing startups, as well as the benefits of the Allostasis tokens (Stasis and Allo).

The Allostasis community acts as a space where people converge to foster positive change. Here, we embrace the power of collaboration between users and their AI assistants within a groundbreaking ecosystem. Through active engagement and the sharing of data, we cultivate a community-owned AI engine that is poised to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time. Allostasis harnesses the potential of human-AI collaboration, empowering individuals to contribute their unique perspectives and insights toward solutions that promote human well-being, enhance social health, and ensure the sustainability of our environment.

Allostasis ecosystem nodes are essential components of the decentralized infrastructure. These nodes contribute to the network by providing valuable resources such as bandwidth, storage, and computation power. In return for their contributions, nodes are incentivized with Allo tokens, which are distributed through smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum network. The smart contracts manage rewards based on various factors, including the amount of bandwidth, storage, and computation provided by each node, as well as the number of users they bring into the network. This incentivization structure ensures that nodes are fairly and transparently rewarded for their contributions to the Allostasis ecosystem. By providing these incentives, Allostasis encourages participation and growth within the network, which in turn helps to enhance the overall functionality and effectiveness of all platforms in the Allostasis ecosystem.

The nodes within the Allostasis ecosystem are equipped with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) protocol, which provides a decentralized and distributed file system. However, it’s important to note that the IPFS protocol implemented in Allostasis’s nodes is not primarily used for data storage. Instead, it is leveraged for creating a network of decentralized nodes and recording small amounts of data, such as authentication and verification data. This approach ensures that data is stored securely and privately between nodes, while also allowing for easy and efficient sharing and collaboration among network participants. The nodes include a collaborative server, a big data platform for IoT devices, and an artificial intelligence (AI) engine for advanced processing.

To foster the growth and advancement of the Sustainia platform and its vibrant community, the Allostasis DAO foundation has set aside a generous allocation of 500 million Allo tokens. These valuable tokens serve as a means to incentivize active user participation within the thriving Sustainia ecosystem. By actively contributing to the platform’s development through the creation of innovative assets or environments, bringing new users into the network, sharing and donating data for research, or even expanding the network through the addition of new nodes, users have the opportunity to earn and be rewarded with Allo tokens. This mutually beneficial system encourages engagement, collaboration, and ongoing contributions that will further enrich the Sustainia experience for all participants.
In addition to incentivizing contributions to the platform, Stasis, and Allo tokens can be utilized to fund development or creative projects within Sustainia through the use of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. It is noteworthy that Stasis is also Allostasis’s stable token that is mintable against cash fiat and can be used for financing startups and projects. This creates a positive feedback loop of growth and development within the Sustainia ecosystem, as users are incentivized to contribute, driving further growth and development. Consequently, more incentives are created for users to contribute, further enhancing the cycle.
Allostasis has allocated Allo tokens to Sustainia that will be staked and released based on specific working package goals outlined in Sustainia’s proposal. The tokens will be released upon achieving these goals, attracting new users, or receiving funds from decentralized finance (DeFi). The token economics of Sustainia are allocated according to the table below.

Allostasis Ecosystem Token Allocation

Future Development: The teams and founders are committed to completing 4 working packages by the end of 2024. After that time, the development of the platform will continue based on the clarified rules. For this job, 3% of the total Sustainia tokens have been allocated.

Treasury: Sustainia corporation will control 3% of the total tokens of Sustainia, and any transactions and policies related to it will be reported to the community.

Team: One of the four working packages has been completed before March 2023, and the teams and founders continue to fulfill their commitments. As a result, 25% of the total Sustainia tokens have been allocated to the teams and founders. These tokens will be staked and released for trading or remain in stake based on the rules defined in the table below, upon completion of the working packages.

Marketing: For marketing purposes, 4% of the total tokens of Sustainia have been allocated, and will be spent by Sustainia corporation. This portion will be utilized for rewarding first users and influencers, amongst other use cases, and will be reported clearly to the community.

Private Sale: As part of our token distribution strategy, a portion of the allocated tokens, amounting to 5%, will be made available to investors participating in the pre-seed, seed, stage A, stage B, and stage C funding rounds.

Public Sale: Sustainia is conducting a Public Sale to secure the necessary funds for the continuous development and growth of the platform. Through a decentralized auction, a portion equivalent to 6% of the total allocated Allo tokens will be made available for purchase. The proceeds generated from this public sale will actively contribute to covering the costs associated with platform development. As part of Sustainia’s unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability, the team will regularly provide the community with updates and reports regarding the details and outcomes of this sale.

Rewards to Nodes: Everyone who runs Allostasis nodes and provides services to Sustainia will receive rewards based on release rules mentioned in the table below from the 4% of the total tokens allocated for this purpose.

Rewards to Users: Users, developers, researchers, and creators have the opportunity to develop the ecosystem through their participation. The majority of the total tokens, 50%, have been allocated to these community members based on the release rules outlined in the table below.

These rewards will be staked for one year to support long-term participation. It’s important to note that those who hold tokens at stake have the right to vote, and the platform’s income will be divided among them.

Token Release Table Sustainia will release allocated tokens based on the success of the platform in increasing users, ensuring sustainable growth of the token value.

Allostasis Token Release


Allostasis Ecosystem unites innovators to promote sustainable living and personalized well-being. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, researcher, healthcare professional, or advocate for positive change, welcome! Join the Allostasis social network (Personia) to drive innovation, improve health outcomes, and shape a sustainable future together!